Underfloor Heating
It took us two days to install the underfloor heating on level two. This time, we have left the reo bars in the internal walls sticking...
Steel, Steel and More Steel!
There is an incredible amount of steel required for a suspended slab. There are two layers of mesh so you have to have a small chair and...
Mosaic Workshop
Seven volunteers attended out mosaic workshop.
Mesh for Second Level Slab
We had a big load of mesh delivered today for the second level slab. This month we made a start laying the first of two layers. We were...
The upper dam development
When we had finished concreting the lounge room lintel on the Castle, we had enough 'oomph' left to continue concreting. This time we...
Lounge lintel
We hand mixed fifteen loads of concrete for the level one lintel over the lounge. I mixed and handed it up to Francis on the scaffold. ...
Bricking for the Second Floor Slab.
We are having a 200 mm slab for the second floor mainly to make the spiral stairs work. We are bricking two courses as the boxing for...
Lounge Lintel to height.
Battling the weather, we have bricked the lounge lintel to the roof height on the outer wall.
Sideways Detour.
Sometimes, to progress, you have to deviate. This time the job is to make purpose built trolleys to hoist bricks and mortar to the...
Getting the walls filled is a great milestone. Luckily we have had five sunny days in a row so the driveway has hardened for the big...