Volunteers are great! March 2018
Three volunteers this month with help cleaning the Castle build site and our Carpenter friend making a circle former for level two.
2018 Feb. Volunteer carpenter.
Our friend, a retired carpenter, wanted to volunteer his time. I gave him a task worthy of his talents. He made a timber former of a...
Retreating from the heat.
Summers can definitely get extremely hot in Tasmania. At 34 degrees we couldn't work on the build. We retreated to the cool Castle...
Concreting walls
I mixed and Francis filled. 16 mixed on one day and 13 on another. Whew! Glad I can still do it.
Battlements Level Two
A very exciting stage was reached this month with the emergence of battlements on the four rooms on level two. The corbels (which are...
Mosaic Workshop at the Castle
We were very proud to have hosted the MAANZ group for a mosaic workshop. The Tasmanian branch of MAANZ (Mosaic Assoc of Australia and...
Castle Battlements
This is an exciting milestone for the Castle build. Francis installed ten corbels and bricked in between. The next day he clamped...
Making Moulds
Level two of the Castle has all four rooms with battlements. The first part of constructing a battlement is the corbel. Francis made...
Only four days
Four days work on the build which equates to eleven mixes of mortar. Francis worked on the front lounge on level two. We had two...
The Upper Dam
The upper dam has been mostly empty since work started on it in 2014. We have had a 90 mm pipe keeping it drained. Occasionally, the...